De August XXIX, MMXXIII, Sinis Internationalis Leather Pre se ferre MMXXIII et tenendum in Shanghai Pudong Novum Internationalis EXPO Center. Exhibitors, mercatores et related industria medici ex magna corio terris et regiones circum orbem congregentur ad exhibitionem ad showcase novam technologiae et products, ferre de negotiis et cooperante et quaerere novum progressionem occasiones. As the world's top leather industry exhibition, this exhibition has a scale of more than 80,000 square meters, and more than a thousand international and domestic leading enterprises have made a splendid appearance, covering leather, leather chemicals, shoe materials, leather and shoemaking machinery, and synthetic leather and synthetic leather. Eget industria et aliis agris. Hoc se ferre quod primum in tribus annis Quod Sinis Internationalis corium exhibitionem non solvit iterum, providente gula festum ad global zonam industria.
In order to seize new opportunities in the market, during this exhibition, domestic and international leather industry chain upstream and downstream leading enterprises launched a series of innovative materials, equipment, technologies and products: chemical tanning agents with excellent tanning effects, top-notch advanced automation machinery, Chrome-free tanned leather with excellent performance, rich and varied shoe materials and fabrics, a wide variety of synthetic leather, Etc., totam se ferre spatio munera a summo-notch zonam industria progressionem eventu.
Hoc tempus, decison ad ire-tan Chrome-liberum tanning systematis corium exempla tum corium exempla de automobile sedes, calceus uppers, sploon s tanning solutions in omnibus.
In Sina International Leather Exhibition
Post tempus: Sep 06-2023